Nickname: Yesi
Age: 18
Activity you enjoy: I have so many random ac tivities I love doing. I love eating, reading books, listening to music and the list goes on
Your role model: My role model is my mother. She is one of the strongest ladies I know. After all the struggles she been through she still stands on her own two feet.
What is your favorite "tool" of expression and why: My favorite expression is speaking because you can hear the tone of my voice. When I speak my arms and hands move in a motion, my face expressions, my tone of voice, and the words on how to describe things.
What does "girl power" mean: Girl power meana lot of things. To me it means to do what you believe in to make you happy. Someone who has girl power is outstanding and strong not letting anyone or anything to her down. A girl who has girl power lives for a long healthy life.